Posts in Health
Being a Motherless Mom These Past 7+ Years

Every single motherless daughter (or son) knows the depths of their mother’s love. The distinct feeling of their mother’s love. It’s a love that cannot be described adequately in words but can only be felt deep within their hearts for the rest of their lives. She is with me and a part of me always. She is in my voice when we hop into the car and I announce to my two boys, my world,  “and we’re off like a herd of turtles”. She is in my silly facial expressions and dance moves throughout the house. She is in the greenest parts of my eyes and the tips of my eyelashes that sweep my children’s cheeks each night as they lay in bed begging for one more butterfly kiss. She’s in the songs I sing to them. The stories I share with them. The laughter that comes with dinner time shenanigans. She’s in every ugga mugga. Every hand squeeze. Every wink. Every embrace. Every booboo kissed. She’s in every orange butterfly we spy. She’s everywhere for us.

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HealthSusie Goldberg
On Friendship

Friendship is such a tricky thing to navigate and fully comprehend at such a young age. There are times where our talks seem to be going over their little heads or in one ear and out the other. Often times I find myself overthinking what is simple child’s play, the same nonsense that I dealt with as a kid and without much guidance from my parents or teachers, but I stick to my crazy ways of turning each experience into a lesson in the hopes that it will eventually click and that my sons will grow up to be good friends to their friends. The other goal is that they, in turn, will learn to surround themselves with good friends who will treat them with the same love and respect.

Still, like most parent/child conversations I don’t always have the perfect answer but one statement that I came up with and that never fails is when I tell them, “they are still learning to be a friend”.

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HealthSusie Goldberg

I often find myself saying no to him. “No Hudson you cannot climb up on the book shelves in the library”. “No, you cannot pee in the bushes when there is a bathroom just ten feet away”. “No, you cannot take off your seatbelt when I still haven’t parked the car”. “No, you cannot take your bowl of ice cream onto the couch with you”. “No, you cannot watch that show and try to reenact the slime challenge in our kitchen”.

I feel like a broken record at times and as much as I am sick of saying it, I know he is equally tired of hearing it. I am told that I was very much like him as a child, I guess this is payback! I declared today as our mommy and me “yes day”. Anything Hudson wanted to do with me I would say yes to—within reason of course. The result- we ended up having the best day together.

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HealthSusie Goldberg